The Great Office Return…?

Could 2023 see a permanent move back to the office, at least for four days a week…According to some of these major corporations yes.

Chief Exec of Disney, Bob Igor has requested that all employees who currently work from home return to the office for four days a week as from March.
‘Nothing can replace the ability to connect, observe, and create with peers that comes from being physically together, nor the opportunity to grow professionally by learning from leaders and mentors’.

‘It is my belief that working together more in-person will benefit the company’s creativity, culture, and our employees’ careers.’
Other recent high profile companies including Tesla, Uber and Apple have also announced similar changes.

An article in The HR Director from Claire Tucker, CEO of HomeWork Workspace states that working form home does continue to bring challenges even though it has become the new normal for many.

‘Working from home has its advantages. However, it is easy to overlook the disadvantages including, poor mental health arising from isolation and a lack of social interaction and the inability to ‘switch-off’’.

 A survey carried out on HomeWork Workspace members across its co-working sites in London found that 94% are ‘happier’ working from a professional workspace than they are working at home.

Getting distracted was the biggest disadvantage of working from home for 68% of Users. ‘Feeling isolated from a lack of social interaction’ (62%) and ‘overworking/ability to switch off mentally’ (57%) and ‘staying motivated’ (45%) were also highlighted as significant issues.

If you or your Company are looking to make a move back into the office but still want some flexibility, then co-working spaces are the answer. Here at One Hub we offer flexible easy-in, easy-out occupancy terms, we oversee all office management and maintenance, do not ask you to sign up to a long-term lease and you can pick the hours you choose to work with extended office and weekend opening hours.

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With a number of modern office facilities, co working spaces or serviced office solutions, OneHub is the ideal space to help you and your business connect and grow. Download our brochure to see what we can offer you.

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